Hotel PM

Printing Equipment Categories

The Hotel PM program provides a simple command that will provide you with a printed copy of the equipment category and subcategory list. This can be useful when adding new equipment or when adding standard maintenance tasks. Both of these commands require that the necessary equipment category and subcategory data be defined before adding or changing equipment or maintenance tasks.


From the Menu Bar select System, then Equipment Categories, and finally Print, as shown in the figure below.

Printing Equipment Categories

After you click on the "Print" command the Equipment Category list will be displayed in the standard print preview window, as seen below. From the "Print Preview" window you can inspect the Equipment Category list. By clicking on the small printer icon at the top of the preview window you can send the preview to a printer. You can also click on the "Make PDF" button to save the previewed report as a PDF file.

Printed Equipment Categories

PDF files are useful for sending Hotel PM reports to other people by e-mail or for saving a report for future reference. When you are done with the Print Preview screen click the "Close" button to close the preview.


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